
TheVLOOKUPfunctionisapremadefunctioninExcel,whichallowssearchesacrosscolumns.Itistyped=VLOOKUPandhasthefollowingparts.,TheExcelVLOOKUPfunctionisusedtoretrieveinformationfromatableusingalookupvalue.Thelookupvaluesmustappearinthefirstcolumnofthetable ...,Vlookup公式是Excel中一個非常實用的函數,相信許多人對他都不陌生,這個函數用於在表格中查找和匹配數據。它可以根據某個關鍵字(例如產品編號或員工ID...

Excel VLOOKUP Function

The VLOOKUP function is a premade function in Excel, which allows searches across columns. It is typed =VLOOKUP and has the following parts.

Excel VLOOKUP function

The Excel VLOOKUP function is used to retrieve information from a table using a lookup value. The lookup values must appear in the first column of the table ...


Vlookup公式是Excel中一個非常實用的函數,相信許多人對他都不陌生,這個函數用於在表格中查找和匹配數據。它可以根據某個關鍵字(例如產品編號或員工ID),從 ...

How to use VLOOKUP in Excel

The VLOOKUP function in Excel searches for a value in one column based on a given value in another column.


Use VLOOKUP to search for related information by row. For example, if you want to buy an orange, you can use VLOOKUP to search for the price.

VLOOKUP function

Learn how to use function VLOOKUP in Excel to find data in a table or range by row. Our step-by-step guide makes vlookup in excel easy and efficient.

VLOOKUP in Excel: How to Use It with Examples

VLOOKUP in Excel searches for a value in the first column of a specified range and retrieves a value from the same row in a designated column.


以其最簡單的形式而言,VLOOKUP 函數表示: =VLOOKUP (您要查閱的項目、要尋找的位置、包含要傳回值的範圍中的欄位號、傳回大約符合或完全符合的值,顯示1/TRUE 或0/FALSE)。

VLOOKUP 用法教學|Excel 函數公式怎麼用?一範例快速應用

VLOOKUP 相關公式說明: ... 最後的公式寫為=VLOOKUP(D10, $E$3:$F$7,2,TRUE) ,意思是請Excel 在業績獎金發放參考表(E3:F7)中,找尋業務代表賺得的營收(D 欄) ...